I am a Professor in Virginia Tech’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, where I lead the Systems Software Research Group. Here is my bio.
My research is in computer systems, with a focus on security, performance, energy-efficiency, and timeliness, spanning the disciplines of concurrent, heterogenous, distributed, and real-time computing. Recently, I have been dabbling in software verification.
Current projects
Low-level reasoning machine (LLRM), verifying security properties of binaries.
Popcorn Linux, system software for ISA-heterogeneous hardware.
LibrettOS, multiserver/library OS with POSIX and legacy driver support.
Hyflow, concurrency control abstractions and algorithms.
Recent past projects
HermiTux, binary-compatible unikernel OS.
SlimGuard, secure, fast, and memory-efficient heap allocator.
HydraVM, automated concurrency refactoring of legacy software.
KairosVM, KVM-based real-time hypervisor.
ECE/CS 5510 Multiprocessor Programming (Fall)
ECE/CS 5544 Compiler Optimizations (Spring)
ECE 5984/SS Modern Binary Exploitation (Fall)
Recent news
02/03/25. LLRM-er Syadus Sefat defends his PhD and joins AMD.
01/27/25. Popcorn Linux’s Stramash OS is conditionally accepted at ASPLOS'25.
01/19/25. LLRM’s verified binary pointer analysis is accepted at ICSE'25.
12/06/24. Prof. Hyeonjoong Cho from Korea University joins SSRG for AY'24-25.
10/11/24. Popcorn Linux’s HEXO extended unikernel is accepted at IEEE TCC.
10/08/24. LLRM’s extended incorrectness logic conditionally accepted at POPL'25.