

02/03/25. LLRM-er Syadus Sefat defends his PhD and joins AMD.
01/27/25. Popcorn Linux’s Stramash OS is conditionally accepted at ASPLOS'25.
01/19/25. LLRM’s verified binary pointer analysis is accepted at ICSE'25.


12/06/24. Prof. Hyeonjoong Cho from Korea University joins SSRG for AY'24-25.
10/11/24. Popcorn Linux’s HEXO extended unikernel is accepted at IEEE TCC.
10/08/24. LLRM’s extended incorrectness logic conditionally accepted at POPL'25.
08/07/24. Popcorn Linux’s x86/RISC-V extension is accepted at Systor'24.
07/16/24. Prof. Sang-Hoon Kim from Ajou University, Korea visits SSRG for AY'24-25.
07/16/24. LLRM-er Jae-Won Jang defends his PhD and joins Northrop Grumman.
07/04/24. LLRM’s verified x86-64 binary lifter accepted at CCS'24.
06/24/24. Prof. Zhoulai Fu from SUNY Korea visits SSRG for Summer'24.
06/21/24. LLRM’s x86-64 instruction synthesis conditionally accepted at OOPSLA'24.
06/17/24. Ruotong Yu joins SSRG as a postdoc.
05/17/24. Prof. Ruslan Nikolaev from PennState visits SSRG for Summer'24.
05/07/24. LLRM-er Robbie defends his MS thesis and joins Anduril Industries.
05/07/24. LLRM-er Aditya defends his MS thesis and joins Qualcomm.
04/12/24. Popcorn Linux’s program state rewriter accepted at ICDCS'24.
04/11/24. Hyflow’s safe memory reclamation is accepted at PLDI'24.
04/11/24. LLRM’s disassembling decidability result accepted at TASE'24.
03/03/24. Selective MVX conditionally accepted at Middleware'24.
02/26/24. Hyflow’s safe memory reclamation is conditionally accepted at PLDI'24.
02/17/24. Named to 2023 Class of IEEE CS Distinguished Contributors.
02/16/24. Basavesh Shivakumar joins SSRG as a research associate.
02/02/24. LLRM’s exceptional handling CFG is conditionally accepted at DIMVA'24.
01/31/24. Swarn Priya joins SSRG as a postdoc.


12/12/23. Popcorn Linux-er Abilesh defends his MS thesis and joins NVIDIA.
12/12/23. LLRM-er Sagar completes his MEng project and joins MathWorks.
12/06/23. Gave an invited talk at NSWC Dahlgren on LLRM’s verified binary lifting.
11/30/23. Gave an invited talk at UNC Charlotte on LLRM’s verified binary lifting.
09/08/23. Cindy An joins Shenzhen Technology University as an Assistant Professor.
09/07/23. Dynamic program debloating paper accepted at MIDDLEWARE'23.
09/01/23. Nico Naus (re)joins SSRG as an Adjunct Research Assistant Professor.
08/21/23. Jonas Haglund joins SSRG as a postdoc.
08/18/23. Ali Shokri joins SSRG as a postdoc.
08/16/23. Xiaoguang Wang joins Illinois at Chicago as an Assistant Professor.
07/12/23. VT news appears about LLRM’s result, as part of DARPA VSPELLS program.
07/01/23. Nico Naus joins Open Univ., the Netherlands as an Assistant Professor.
06/24/23. Linux eBPF fuzzing paper accepted at APSys'23.
06/21/23. Popcorn Linux-er Hemanth defends his MS thesis and joins Synopsys. 06/20/23. Prof. Zhoulai Fu from SUNY Korea visits SSRG for Summer'23.
06/20/23. Popcorn Linux-er Mohamed defends his MS thesis and joins Apple.
06/06/23. Named Bradley Senior Faculty Fellow by VT Board of Visitors.
05/10/23. Khushboo Rani joins SSRG as a postdoc.
05/09/23. Popcorn Linux-er Sandeep defends his MS thesis and joins Apple.
04/28/23. LLRM’s binary IR is accepted at TAP'23.
04/28/23. LLRM’s reachability analysis is conditionally accepted at TAP'23.
04/04/23. Named to Bradley Senior Faculty Fellow Endowed Professorship.
03/01/23. Popcorn Linux’s aggregate VM is accepted at EuroSys'23.
01/19/23. Popcorn Linux’s aggregate VM is conditionally accepted at EuroSys'23. 02/17/23. LibrettOS-er Fazla Mehrab defends his PhD and joins ByteDance. 02/17/23. LibrettOS-er Mincheol Sung defends his PhD and joins VMware.
02/03/23. LLRM-er Josh Bockenek defends his PhD dissertation and joins NSWCDD.
01/02/23. David Narvaez joins SSRG as a postdoc.


12/13/22. Popcorn Linux-er Abhishek defends his MS thesis and joins Zoox.
09/05/22. LLRM’s Ghidra/P-Code formalization is accepted at VSTTE'22.
08/17/22. Popcorn Linux’s container re-randomization is accepted at MTD/CCS'22. 05/11/22. Popcorn Linux-er Jack defends his PhD dissertation and joins ByteDance.
05/10/22. Hyflow’s wait-free queue is accepted at SPAA'22.
05/09/22. LLRM’s PhD student Cindy defends her dissertation.
03/15/22. Hyflow’s Byzantine consensus protocol is accepted at VLDB'22.
03/14/22. LLRM’s disassembly verifier is accepted at NFM'22.
03/07/22. Popcorn Linux’s container instantiation is accepted at ACM TOCS.
02/25/22. LLRM’s verified x86 binary lifting is conditionally accepted at PLDI'22.
02/18/22. Popcorn Linux-er Ashwin defends his MS thesis and joins Apple.
02/17/22. Popcorn Linux-er Balvansh defends his MEng project and joins Splunk.
02/10/22. Popcorn Linux-er Naarayanan defends his MS thesis and joins Qualcomm.
01/18/22. LibrettOS’s unikernelized service VMs is accepted at EuroSys’22.
12/14/21. Popcorn Linux-er Carlos defends his MS thesis and joins AMD.
12/06/21. Popcorn Linux’s OpenMP run-time is accepted at ACM TOCS.
11/13/21. KASLR for Linux device drivers is accepted at ASPLOS’22.
11/15/21. Hyflow’s wait-free queue is accepted at PPOPP’22 (as poster).
09/15/21. Nico Naus joins SSRG as a postdoc.
07/07/21. Mohammadreza Ashouri joins SSRG as postdoc.
07/09/21. Popcorn Linux-er Chris defends his MS thesis and joins Lockheed.
05/11/21. LibrettOS’s PhD student Mincheol defends his dissertation proposal.
05/10/21. Hyflow’s PhD student Balaji defends his dissertation and joins LinkedIn.

(News prior to 2022 are available here.)