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ASPLOS Stramash: A Fused-kernel Operating System for Cache-Coherent, Heterogeneous-ISA Platforms
T. Xing, C. Xiong, T. Wei, A. Sanchez, B. Ravindran, J. Balkind, A. Barbalace (conditional)

ICSE Formally Verified Binary-level Pointer Analysis
F. Verbeek, A. Shokri, D. Engel, B. Ravindran

POPL On Extending Incorrectness Logic with Backwards Reasoning
F. Verbeek, M. Sefat, Z. Fu, B. Ravindran

TCC HEXO: Offloading Long-Running Compute- and Memory-Intensive Workloads on Low-Cost, Low-Power Embedded Systems
P. Olivier, A. K. M. F. Mehrab, S. Errabelly, S. Lankes, M. L. Karaoui, R. Lyerly, S-H. Kim, A. Barbalace, B. Ravindran


SYSTOR Offloading Datacenter Jobs to RISC-V Hardware for Improved Performance and Power Efficiency
B. Heerekar, C. Philippidis, H-R. Chuang, P. Olivier, A. Barbalace, B. Ravindran

CCS Verifiably Correct Lifting of Position-Independent x86-64 Binaries to Symbolized Assembly
F. Verbeek, N. Naus, B. Ravindran

OOPSLA libLISA: Instruction Discovery and Analysis on x86-64
J. Craaijo, F. Verbeek, B. Ravindran

PLDI A Family of Fast and Memory Efficient Lock- and Wait-Free Reclamation
R. Nikolaev, B. Ravindran

ICDCS Dapper: A Lightweight and Extensible Framework for Live Program State Rewriting
A. Bapat, J. Shastri, X. Wang, A. Sundarasamy, B. Ravindran

TASE On the Decidability of Disassembling Binaries
D. Engel, F. Verbeek, B. Ravindran

MIDDLEWARE sMVX: Multi-Variant Execution on Selected Code Paths
S. Yeoh, X. Wang, J-W. Jang, B. Ravindran

DIMVA Exceptional Interprocedural Control Flow Graphs for x86-64 Binaries
J. Bockenek, F. Verbeek, B. Ravindran


MIDDLEWARE DynaCut: A Framework for Dynamic and Adaptive Program Customization
A. Mahurkar, X. Wang, H. Zhang, B. Ravindran

APSys Understanding the Security of Linux eBPF Subsystem
M. Husain, X. Wang, B. Ravindran

TAP BIRD: A Binary Intermediate Representation for Formally Verified Decompilation of x86-64 Binaries
D. Engel, F. Verbeek, B. Ravindran

TAP Low-level Reachability Analysis based on Formal Logic
N. Naus, F. Verbeek, M. Schoolderman, B. Ravindran

EuroSys Aggregate VM: Why Reduce or Evict VM’s Resources When You Can Borrow Them From Other Nodes?
H. Chuang, K. Manaouil, T. Xing, A. Barbalace, P. Olivier, B. Heerekar, B. Ravindran


VSTTE A Formal Semantics for P-Code
N. Naus, F. Verbeek, B. Ravindran

MTD/CCS Rave: A Modular and Extensible Framework for Program State Re-Randomization
C. Blackburn, X. Wang, B. Ravindran

SPAA wCQ: A Fast Wait-Free Queue with Bounded Memory Usage
R. Nikolaev, B. Ravindran

VLDB Scalable Byzantine Fault Tolerance via Partial Decentralization
B. Arun, B. Ravindran

NFM DSV: Disassembly Soundness Validation without Assuming a Ground Truth
X. An, F. Verbeek, B. Ravindran

PLDI Formally Verified Lifting of C-compiled x86-64 Binaries
F. Verbeek, J. Bockenek, Z. Fu, B. Ravindran

ACM TOCS H-Container: Enabling Heterogeneous-ISA Container Migration in Edge Computing
T. Xing, A. Barbalace, P. Olivier, M. Karaoui, W. Wang, B. Ravindran

SysTEX/ASPLOS Transparent, Cross-ISA Enclave Offloading
X. Wang, C. Bilbao, B. Ravindran

EuroSys Kite: Lightweight Critical Service Domains
A. Mehrab, R. Nikolaev, B. Ravindran

ASPLOS Continuous Address Space Layout Re-Randomization for Linux Drivers
R. Nikolaev, H. Nadeem, C. Stone, B. Ravindran

PPoPP Poster: wCQ: A Fast Wait-Free Queue with Bounded Memory Usage
R. Nikolaev, B. Ravindran

ACM TOCS An OpenMP Runtime for Transparent Work Sharing Across Cache-Incoherent Heterogeneous Nodes
R. Lyerly, C. Bilbao, C. Min, C. Rossbach, B. Ravindran


PLDI Snapshot-Free, Transparent, and Robust Memory Reclamation for Lock-Free Data Structures
R. Nikolaev, B. Ravindran

AFP x86 Instruction Semantics and Basic Block Symbolic Execution
F. Verbeek, A. Bharadwaj, J. Bockenek, I. Roessle, T. Weerwag, B. Ravindran

IEEE TC A Syscall-Level Binary-Compatible Unikernel
P. Olivier, H. Lefeuvre, D. Chiba, S. Lankes, C. Min, B. Ravindran

MIDDLEWARE Xar-Trek: Run-time Execution Migration among FPGAs and Heterogeneous-ISA CPUs
E. Horta, H-R. Chuang, N. VSathish, C. Philippidis, A. Barbalace, P. Olivier, B. Ravindran

DISC Brief Announcement: Crystalline: Fast and Memory Efficient Wait-Free Reclamation
R. Nikolaev, B. Ravindran

NFM Verification of Functional Correctness of Code Diversification Techniques
J-W. Jang, F. Verbeek, B. Ravindran


MIDDLEWARE An OpenMP Runtime for Transparent Work Sharing Across Cache-Incoherent Heterogeneous Nodes
R. Lyerly, C. Min, C. Rossbach, B. Ravindran

SEFM Sound C Code Decompilation for a Subset of x86-64 Binaries
F. Verbeek, P. Olivier, B. Ravindran, Best paper award

ESORICS Dynamic and Secure Memory Transformation in Userspace
R. Lyerly, X. Wang, B. Ravindran

RAID A Framework for Software Diversification with ISA Heterogeneity
X. Wang, S. Yeoh, R. Lyerly, P. Olivier, S-H. Kim, B. Ravindran

SYSTOR Scaling Shared Memory Multiprocessing Applications in Non-cache-coherent Domains
H-R. Chuang, R. Lyerly, S. Lankes, B. Ravindran

NFM A Validation Methodology for OCaml-to-PVS Translation
X. An, A. Tahat, B. Ravindran

EuroSec/EuroSys Secure and Efficient In-process Monitor (and Library) Protection with Intel MPK
X. Wang, S. Yeoh, P. Olivier, B. Ravindran

SPMA/EuroSys The Case for Intra-Unikernel Isolation
P. Olivier, A. Barbalace, B. Ravindran

ICDCS DEX: Scaling Applications Beyond Machine Boundaries
S-H. Kim, H-R. Chuang, R. Lyerly, P. Olivier, C. Min, B. Ravindran

VEE Edge Compute – the Case for Heterogeneous-ISA Container Migration
A. Barbalace, M. Karaoui, W. Wang, T. Xing, P. Olivier, B. Ravindran

VEE LibrettOS: A Dynamically Adaptable Multiserver-Library OS
R. Nikolaev, M. Sung, B. Ravindran

VEE Intra-Unikernel Isolation with Intel Memory Protection Keys
M. Sung, P. Olivier, S. Lankes, B. Ravindran

TACAS Highly Automated Formal Proofs over Memory Usage of Assembly Code
F. Verbeek, J. Bockenek, B. Ravindran

PPoPP Universal Wait-Free Memory Reclamation
R. Nikolaev, B. Ravindran

IEEE TDSC Taming the Contention in Consensus-based Distributed Systems
B. Arun, S. Peluso, R. Palmieri, G. Losa, B. Ravindran


MICRO Quantifying Memory Underutilization in HPC Systems and Using it to Improve Performance via Architecture Support
G. Panwar, Y. Pang, D. Zhang, M. Dahshan, N. Debardeleben, B. Ravindran, X. Jian

PLOS/SOSP Rethinking Communication in Multiple-kernel OSes for New Shared Memory Interconnects
A. Barbalace, P. Olivier, B. Ravindran

MIDDLEWARE SlimGuard: A Secure and Memory-Efficient Heap Allocator
B. Liu, P. Olivier, B. Ravindran

MIDDLEWARE Generalized Consensus for Practical Fault Tolerance
M. Garg, S. Peluso, B. Arun, B. Ravindran

MEMOCODE Work-in-Progress: Establishing a Refinement Relation between Binaries and Abstract Code
F. Verbeek, J. Bockenek, A. Bharadwaj, I. Roessle, B. Ravindran

SpISA/ITP Symbolic Execution of x86 Assembly in Isabelle/HOL
F. Verbeek, A. Bharadwaj, J. Bockenek, I. Roessle, B. Ravindran

FMCAD Scalable Translation Validation of Unverified Legacy OS Code
A. Tahat, S. Joshi, P. Goswami, B. Ravindran

PODC Brief Announcement: Hyaline: Fast and Transparent Lock-Free Memory Reclamation
R. Nikolaev B. Ravindran

SafeComp Formal Verification of Memory Preservation of x86-64 Binaries
J. A. Bockenek, F. Verbeek, P. Lammich, B. Ravindran

SYSTOR Cross-ISA Execution of SIMD Regions for Improved Performance
Y. Pang, R. Lyerly, and B. Ravindran,

HPDC HEXO: Offloading HPC Compute-Intensive Workloads on Low-Cost, Low-Power Embedded Systems
P. Olivier, A. F. Mehrab, S. Lankes, M. Karaoui, R. Lyerly, B. Ravindran

ICDCS ezBFT: Decentralizing Byzantine Fault-Tolerant State Machine Replication
B. Arun, S. Peluso, B. Ravindran

SFMA/EuroSys The Multihype: Virtualizing Heterogeneous-ISA Architectures
P. Olivier, B. Ravindran, A. Barbalace

SFMA/EuroSys A Framework to Secure Applications with ISA Heterogeneity
X. Wang, S. Yeoh, R. Lyerly, S-H. Kim, B. Ravindran

VEE A Binary-Compatible Unikernel
P. Olivier, D. Chiba, S. Lankes, C. Min, B. Ravindran, Best paper award

CPP Formally Verified Big Step Semantics out of x86-64 Binaries
I. Roessle, F. Verbeek, B. Ravindran

ACM TOS Lerna: Parallelizing Dependent Loops Using Speculation
M. M. Saad, R. Palmieri, B. Ravindran

PMAM/PPoPP libMPNode: An OpenMP Runtime For Parallel Processing Across Incoherent Domains
R. Lyerly, S-H. Kim, B. Ravindran

PPoPP Poster: Scheduling HPC Workloads on Heterogenous-ISA Architectures
M. Karaoui, A. Carno, R. Lyerly, S-H. Kim, P. Olivier, C. Min, B. Ravindran

SYSTOR Lerna: Parallelizing Dependent Loops Using Speculation
M. Saad, R. Palmieri, B. Ravindran, Best paper award

(Papers prior to 2019 are available here.)